Are you looking at hiring a debt negotiation firm to handle your unsecured debt. You may want to do a back ground check before you sign up with them. The first thing to do is to check the BBB and see if they have a clean record. If there Better Business Bureau record is shaky pass and look for another. There are reputable firms out there. The second thing you want to do is to see if they have you set up your own trust account or do they want to hold your money. If they want to hold your money I would pass. The only way that I would do a debt negotiation program is with them setting up my own trust account that I control. Some of these companies are just too flaky to hand over my money to. If a company does not have at least five years of experience I would keep shopping. Debt settlement is a complicated business. New companies are popping up all the time and want to cash in on the credit crisis. Some of them will just take your money and run. If they say that they can do it in four to five years, they may just want to get you up front retainer fee. Most creditors wont wait past three years to make a settlement. Going longer could have you wind up in court.
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