Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Living Debt Free

Credit card debt is almost a way of life in today's economical time's. It's so very easy to take out our credit cards and purchase everything from groceries to our utility bills on plastic. Some of the time people can pay these off the next month and they do not carry a balance moving forward . However, for others - this is just a way of life.

Which leads us to the question of what if the unthinkable happens? I've been living paycheck to paycheck and living beyond my means. I've been laid off and I have no reserves or back up plans. Of course this will lead to a degree of worry, anxiety, fear and perhaps to denial of the severity of your financial situation. You have become obsessed with your money problems of missed payments, bill collectors calling and possible litigation.

Needless to say, it's common for the consumer to avoid the collection calls which further adds fuel to the fire because the collectors just become more aggressive in their tactics. You might even experience depression but you need to get back to reality and deal with the situation head on!!!

In visiting Dave Ramsey's website I came upon this comment...."Laziness is a character flaw. You need to be willing to work and sacrifice in order to fix the situations that you created with your own irresponsibility. If you are not willing, then you cannot be helped." I agree with this statement 100 percent.

The consumer needs to toll up his sleeves and get ready to work hard. You need to rip up the credit cards and start by being honest with yourself and your creditors. It's time to get proactive and deal with your situation now.

Debt Settlement is an option

Do you have more than $5000 in debt on more than 3 credit cards? Understanding how you got into this problem and finding ways to resolve the problem is the first step in giving you - your start to financial freedom.

The credit cards were flexible and easy to use for your everyday expenses. However, over the course of time your rates and fess started to gradually increase. Needless to say , due to circumstances beyond your control you find yourself drowning in debt.

I read a quote by Pat Robertson and his advice was this " The law of compound interest coupled with the law of use will lead to amazing things. Meaning if you save it and compound it - sooner or later you will come out with something better" I happen to agree with his observations and comment.

You first want to consider your options carefully to dig yourself out of debt. A debt settlement company is a variable option. An experienced debt settlement company has the resources and the ability to negotiate on your behalf. The consumer needs to faithfully follow the plan that the settlement company has placed into action. The financial plan may take as little as 12 months or more than 48 months on your outstanding unsecured debt.

It may be tough in the beginning to make those sacrifices but once you follow and complete the debt settlement program you can begin your journey to financial independence and starting letting your money work for you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is Debt Settlement an Alternative for you

Today's consumer is facing overwhelming unsecured credit card debt. This debt continues to mount each month even if the consumer has started to tighten their financial belt. In some cases, it may be too little too late.

Debt settlement may be an alternative to trying to work your way out of debt yourself. Depending on the amount of you debt, you could reduce your debt in half between 12 and 48 months. This figure considers the amount of your debt, the number of credit cards and the amount the consumer is willing to put into an "trust/escrow" account each month. This method does have some drawbacks dealing with credit score, available to borrow and possible taxes on unpaid balances. Under a debt settlement program the consumer needs to be willing and committed to working themselves out of debt.

A recent article on, tells how one family eliminated $106,000 in outstanding debt over a five (5) year period of time. This family used a consumer redit counseling service. The article indicated the counseling service was taking approximately $2,000 from the couple to distribute to their credits. This dollar amount was about half of the consumer's monthly take-home pay. This caused the consumer to take on a second job.

This is an example of paying off the entire balance including interest and all fees. Based upon information provided, this means the couple paid approximately $120,000 over five years. ($2,000 @ month times 60 months = $120,000).

This method may have been the best solution for this couple. You want to congratulate this couple on taking on this task and paying off their bills in full. However, if you compare this situation verse debt settlement. The debt settlement company may have been able to reduce the couple's debt in half from $106,000 to $60,000 and may have been able to do it in less time.
Every consumer needs to decide for themselves which is the best approach for them and their family. However debt settlement should be investigated as an alternative to debt counseling. Even with debt settlement a consumer should learn to control their spending and annually review their financial situation. Some of the debt incurred may have been caused by financial hardship, loss of a job or medical emergency.

Why use a Debt Settlement Program

There are several questions a consumer must ask themselves when faced with overwhelming unsecured credit card debt. One of these questions is "why use a debt settlement company?" Or why not negotiate myself? Or why not seek out other methods? Or why not file bankruptcy.

The answer to the first two questions are a debt settlement company has the means and the experience to negotiate with your lender on your behalf to reduce your outstanding unsecured balances. If you contact the lender yourself, they may be not be willing to work with you or they will make the terms unacceptable for the consumer to agree to or even meet. The other methods are doing nothing and working with a credit counseling company which pays the bills for you on a monthly basis. They do not reduce your debt nor do they normally get the interest rate lower. Bankruptcy is a very serious matter which needs to be addressed with an attorney.

The debt settlement company will establish the dollar amount which needs to be placed in a "trust/escrow" account and will determine how long it will take to reach the first plateau of your goals. This plateau is normally half of your lowest outstanding credit card balance. At that point in time, the debt settlement company will start to negotiate on your behalf. Here is an example:

· Owe $19,000 on 4 credit cards ($3,000,$7,000,1,500, 7.500)
· Currently monthly minimum payments of $2,300
· Divide your debt by 40% for a new outstanding balance of $7,600
· Estimate new monthly payments of $750 (less monthly fees)
· Under new debt settlement plan it will take between 12 to 36 months to payoff

Yes, a debt settlement company does have some drawbacks. However, your financial situation requires some type of action. The consumer needs to investigate all the in's and out's of a debt settlement program and how it will work for them.

If the consumer is committed to using a debt settlement program. Now is the time to call an expert and discuss how they can assist you. A good debt settlement company will explain the entire process with you and a realize timeline for getting out of debt.

Debt Settlement along with your Credit Score

As a consumer, we need to understand the meaning of the word credit. Credit is considered as either secured or unsecured monies loaned to you by a lender, in return for future payment. Lenders or creditors who have advanced to you monies to purchase your home or credit card companies/retail stores which allow you to charge purchases with the understanding you will pay them principal and interest over a period of time.

In order to qualify for anytime of credit, you need to have good credit. A good credit score means you are a low risk consumer while a lower credit score means you are a riskier borrower. Credit scores from the three major credit bureau’s (Equifax, Experian or TranUnion) range from 300 to 850.

However, according to a recent article in “USA TODAY”, lenders are clamping down on credit and credit scores are taking a hit. So what does this mean for the consumer? Basically this means that lenders are reviewing all of their consumer credit cards and making determinations about who is using their credit cards. Lenders are closing credit card accounts and lowering credit limits for millions of consumers who have never paid late. When a card is closed by a lender this effects your credit score.

However, maybe as a consumer you had a fair to good credit score. But do to the recent economic environment you are not able to keep up with your financial obligations. This is going to affect your credit score since late payments, mortgage modifications and high balances are now taking a bigger toll on your scores.

So when you are looking at debt settlement program and you are informed that your credit score will take a hit. You credit score may had already taken a hit because of your late payments and too much credit with high balances prior to entering into a debt settlement program.

Basically it does not matter whether you had good credit before since the lenders are taking steps to reduce credit and closing accounts for the consumer. This affects your credit score in a negative way whether you are current on your payment or delinquent on your payments.

So do not let the fear of your credit score dropping from looking at a debt settlement program as an alternative to your financial situation.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Changing your life with Debt Settlement

As a consumer, has your monthly spending continued to outgrow your earnings? Has your financial situation changed over the past several years? Have you suffered an medical emergency or lost your job? Then a debt settlement company may be the solution to your problem.

Debt settlement is a method by which a third party negotiates with your lenders to reduce your unsecured credit card debt. Doesn't that sound easy? However, it is important for the consumer to have a complete understanding of how a debt settlement company operates.

The consumer needs to understand the various alternatives that might be a solution to their financial burden. The alternatives available to the consumer are: debt consolidation, debt counseling, equity loan on home, bankruptcy or debt settlement.

So a quick review of these alternatives:
· Debt consolidation - This approach allows the consumer to pick and choose which debts to consolidation into a term loan with a lender. A term loan is normally secured by collateral from your lender and can try up to 5 years to repay.
· Debt counseling - The consumer meets with a counselor to determine an set budget to pay off your debt to the lenders. The consumer is still required to pay off their entire balances.
· Home equity loan - This allows the consumer to borrow against their personal residence. There may or may not be enough equity in their residence to qualify for this loan.
· Bankruptcy - This is a major step for the consumer. The consumer needs to discuss with their attorney.
· Debt settlement - The debt settlement company establishes a monthly repayment plan. After at least half of your lowest outstanding unsecured credit card balance is achieved. The third party will negotiate with your lender to reduce your debt. This negotiation can be from 40 to 50% of the balance. This process can take between 12 to 48 months depending upon your debt burden.

If is important for the consumer to understand all the step involved in a debt settlement. However, when compared against the other alternatives it appears to be a better method in changing your financial situation.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Is Debt Settlement the way out of Debt?

Debt settlement is one option available to the consumer as a way out of debt. Debt settlement historically deals with unsecured credit. This unsecured credit can take the form of credit cards, medical bills and any other unsecured debt the consumer has incurred.

The consumer needs to realize there are two types of credit available to them. Secured credit means debt has some type of collateral backing - your home, your car or in some cases, cash secured loans. The other form of credit is unsecured which is normally credit cards from lenders or retailers.

The unsecured credit is where the consumer has caused the majority of their financial problems. The consumer has used credit card to purchase daily expenses, like their groceries, gas, airline tickets, and on-line retail shopping. The credit card companies would offer points to the consumer to purchase items and give them reward points or points toward travel. In addition, the credit card companies would offer us new credit from higher interest rate cards to lower interest rate cards, if we transferred the balances. It was like a shell game, moving balances from one card to other which allows us to have more credit.

So the consumer continued using their unsecured credit cards and making only the monthly minimum payment. This monthly minimum payment was approximately 2 to 3 percent of the monthly outstanding balance. As a consumer, some months we would paid the minimum or include additional monies. This process finally has caught up with the consumers because they can't afford even the minimum monthly payments in today's economic climate.

The one way to get out of debt is to look for a debt settlement company. Debt settlement may not be for everyone. It requires the consumer to start saving money monthly until enough monies are available on the lowest outstanding balance credit card before the debt settlement company to begin negotiations. However the debt settlement company may be able to settle for up 50% of your outstanding balances.

Yes, there are drawbacks to this approach as there is to other options. However, the first step is to discuss with a debt settlement company the ways in which they may be able to assist you out of debt. This is not an overnight fix it may take anywhere from 12 to 48 months. But if the consumer is really wanting to do something and get out of this financial hardship, call us today to discuss your options.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Getting out of Debt

As the new school year begins it is time for the consumer's to take hold of their unsecured debt. This debt will only grow over the next several months as the holidays approach and will continue to add pressure to the family situation.

So how does the consumer stop this pressure and get out of debt? One of the ways to put the brakes on this situation is to consider a debt settlement program. A debt settlement program is designed to reduce the overall unsecured debt of the consumer.

The program establishes a "trust account" into which monthly payments are make until there is enough money to begin to negotiate with the lender. In most cases, the debt settlement company can reduce your debt up to 50% or more. This may be a better alternative than to file bankruptcy or doing nothing about the situation. If you are considering bankruptcy please consult with an attorney before taking that step or at least call a debt settlement company to understand your option.

The debt settlement program will have some possible drawbacks for the consumer which need to be considered. The consumer's credit report will take a hit in the beginning of this process however the consumer's credit may already been hurt by:

· Too high of outstanding balances
· Late Payments
· Too much credit
· Tax liens, judgment's, repossessions, etc

If the consumer does consider the debt settlement option. They then had started the journey of getting out of debt. One of the positives to possible come out of this unfortunate situation is the consumer is now motivated to learn how to handle their expenses and money in the future.
Other consideration that the unpaid balance maybe considered income and is therefore taxable under your normal tax rate.

There is no easy fix to large amounts of unsecured debt. But the consumer needs to face the situation head-on a deal with it in a responsible manner. So call a debt settlement company today to discuss the complete ins and outs of the program. Give you and your family a new peace of mind and start anew.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Addiction to Credit Cards

In today's society many Americans are addicted to buying almost everything on credit. Perhaps out of convenience - to simplify their life or maybe out of personal or economical hardship. The retailers make it possible for us to thrive on this concept with buying everything on credit.

However, it doesn't take long before your wallet is filled up with bank cards and department store cards. Most people think that it is easy to pay them off at the end of the month. Easier said than done. Many people start to justify reasons to use the cards. It's easier than to part with cash.

The debt builds up slowly with no major purchases to show for. And before you know it - you can be thousands of dollars in debt with no end in sight. This type of consumer debt is considered unsecured debt verses secured debt. The difference between the two types of debt is at secured debt is backed by some type of collateral with fixed payments to reduce the debt while unsecured has high interest rates, no tax advantages and is not collateralized.

In the beginning, the consumer feels it's alright about repaying only the monthly minimum payment because they believe the next month they will be able to paid more on their account. This gives the consumer a feeling of confidence to continue to spend more freely and leads them down the path of spending more than they earn each month. However this spiraling debt only continues to grow and the consumer is now facing added pressure to met their financial obligations.

Because of this spiraling debt, the consumer needs to consider how to get out of debt. One of the options for the consumer is debt settlement. Debt settlement is a method by which a third party works on the consumer's behalf to negotiate with the credit card companies. This process requires the consumer to stop using their credit cards, budget their finances and start saving a certain amount of money each month. This money is placed in a "trust" account and until it achieves at least half of your lowest balance credit card before the third party company can start negotiating. This process may take between 12 months to 48 months to clear all of your unsecured debt.

Now is the time to explore how our debt settlement company can help you out of the depths of financial problems. Contact Debt Free Partners to speak with a representative.