If you pay your collection accounts off your credit score can go up as much as 200 points. It can take a few months to report properly in your credit report. Typically once all the collection accounts are paid off your credit score should go back to normal in about six months. You can negotiate paying off your collections as well. You don't have to pay back dollar for dollar what you owe. You might want to start our negotiating your debt at 25 cents on the dollar and see where you end up. You may have to play with them for awhile however. They usually don't just roll over on the first offer. You may have to back an forth a few times before you will be able to reach a settlement.
If you have any questions about debt negotiation please let me know.
Alternative to Bankruptcy
Friday, May 9, 2008
How much will my credit score go up if I pay my collection accounts off?
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