You may be feeling harassed by collection agencies if you have fallen behind on your bills. If you are serious about paying your creditors back, you may have nothing to fear. Sometimes the bark is worse than the bite when it comes to collection companies. If you understand the tactics of a collection agency, you will regain the upper hand when going up against them. A collection agency uses fear as a tool. They know that fear motivates people and they can use that fear to get what they want. What they want is money out of you. If you understand that they will follow through on their threats less than 1% of the time you can gain your peace of mind back. They don't want to go to court it's expensive and even if they win it can still be hard to collect on it. If they garnish your wages and you get a new job, they have to start the process all over and it gets expense. If you understand this you can do your own negotiating with them and save yourself some money in the process. They may say that they want to do all of these bad things to you, but the truth is they would really prefer not to spend the money. If you don't want to deal with the negotiation, you can hire a debt negotiation firm to represent you and they will handle all of this for you. Typically a debt negotiator can save you anywhere from 40-60 cents on the dollar.
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