Why do creditors and collection agencies try to scare you? It's simple really, they just want to collect money from you. The more you are afraid of what they are telling you they are going to do to you, the better chance they have of collecting from you. They know that most people have a fear of the unknown. Getting sued for most people is the biggest worry. If you are already not paying your bills, threatening court and wage garnishment can sound pretty horrifying. They want you to do what ever you have to do to get out of debt. You do have rights as a debtor. It would be very smart to read the fair debt collections act to see what your rights are. I think you will find out that the bark is worse than the bite sometimes. I think a little knowledge will give you some peace of mind as well. I'm not saying that you will be able to ignore it, you will have to deal with it at some point.
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