Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Living Debt Free

Credit card debt is almost a way of life in today's economical time's. It's so very easy to take out our credit cards and purchase everything from groceries to our utility bills on plastic. Some of the time people can pay these off the next month and they do not carry a balance moving forward . However, for others - this is just a way of life.

Which leads us to the question of what if the unthinkable happens? I've been living paycheck to paycheck and living beyond my means. I've been laid off and I have no reserves or back up plans. Of course this will lead to a degree of worry, anxiety, fear and perhaps to denial of the severity of your financial situation. You have become obsessed with your money problems of missed payments, bill collectors calling and possible litigation.

Needless to say, it's common for the consumer to avoid the collection calls which further adds fuel to the fire because the collectors just become more aggressive in their tactics. You might even experience depression but you need to get back to reality and deal with the situation head on!!!

In visiting Dave Ramsey's website I came upon this comment...."Laziness is a character flaw. You need to be willing to work and sacrifice in order to fix the situations that you created with your own irresponsibility. If you are not willing, then you cannot be helped." I agree with this statement 100 percent.

The consumer needs to toll up his sleeves and get ready to work hard. You need to rip up the credit cards and start by being honest with yourself and your creditors. It's time to get proactive and deal with your situation now.

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